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Interlinear is now able to control Clipbox to playback a marked section of a clip repeatedly.  If a section of the clip is not marked, the whole clip will play repeatedly.  Where the clip is marked, the clip will load and play from the MARK IN point.  When the MARK OUT point is reached, the clip will continue playing from the MARK IN point, and will repeat this procedure indefinitely or until the LOOP count expires.  The number of LOOPS is set using MENU 3.  By using matched frames at the beginning and end of the loop, playback can be extended beyond the length of the original clip.

Setting a Loop

Move the cursor through the list to find the clip which requires loops.

  • Using the IN and OUT keys you may set the desired timecodes for the start and end of the loop.

  • Alternatively, if the clip can be seen on the Clipbox output, you may select match frames for looping by using the MARK IN and MARK OUT facility.

  • Do not set the timecodes if you want to use the whole of the clip in the loop.

Press MENU 3 and specify the desired number of loops (repeats).

  • Loops = 1 means that the marked video is played twice.  One normal play and one repeat.

  • Set Loops = 99 for non-stop playback of loops.

Press ENTER.  The number of loops will be visible on Interlinear's display between the clip number and the title.  When the number of loops is between 10 to 98, the display will show 'L'.  When the number of loops is 99, the loops will not stop playing and the loop counter will not count down, and the display shows 'N' for non-stop loops.


  • It is recommended that loops are more than two seconds long.  Playback may be unreliable with loops of less than two seconds.

  • Do not use the A/B Switch feature to change Channels while loops are playing.  Playback will halt if another Channel is selected.

Loop Introductions and Tails

To loop the central section of a clip, starting from the beginning, doing 5 loops, and finishing with the tail, you will need to enter the clip into the list three times with different timecodes, as follows:-

1024  FLAG WAVING  00:00:00:00  00:00:07:00 [Introduction]
1024 5 FLAG WAVING  00:00:07:00  00:00:05:00 [Central looped section]
1024  FLAG WAVING  00:00:12:00  00:00:08:00 [Tail]
In this example, the first entry is the introduction only (seven seconds long).  The second entry is the central section (five seconds long) which is looped (with five repeats).  The third entry is the tail which has the end of the clip.
To play the above items without stopping, ensure that the Block Play option is ON.

Using NEXT while looping

Note that the operation of the NEXT key while playing a loop in BLOCK PLAY mode has been modified slightly.  Pressing NEXT while in BLOCK PLAY will start playing the next clip only when the current loop reaches the OUT point.  If the next clip also starts with a match frame, the animation sequence will be preserved over the transition.  In this way, the number of loops can be set to non-stop (99), but can be terminated early with a clean join to the next clip.


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