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When the Media ID custom feature is installed, Interlinear does not use the NUMBER field in the Clipbox database.  Clip numbers are not issued automatically, and instructions on preceding pages concerning clip numbers should be ignored.  Instead of clip numbers, the Clipbox OWNER field is used to identify each clip uniquely.  This is advantageous when Interlinear shares the Clipbox with automation systems that uses proprietary Media Identification or numbers higher than 9999.

Restrictions of Media ID Option

When the Media ID option is installed, the Video/Key mode of operation is no longer supported.  The default use of Master and Slave Ports is for audio dubbing.

Media ID Format

Interlinear uses the first eight characters of the OWNER field of the Clipbox database instead of clip numbers.  The characters can be A-Z and 0-9.  Spaces and punctuation should not be used.

Setting the Media ID While Recording

The Media ID cannot be set while recording.  When recording is complete, use the method described below for setting the Media ID on an existing clip

Setting the Media ID of an Existing Clip

This feature allows the setting or changing of the Media ID on any clip.  The clip to be set must be found and loaded into Interlinear's playlist so that details of the clip are available on the display.

  1. Use the UP and DOWN keys to move the cursor to the clip that requires the new Media ID

  2. Access MENU 4 by pressing the MENU key followed by the 4 key.  (Alternatively, press and release the ALT key on the PC keyboard and then press 4)

  3. Use the PC keyboard to enter eight characters of the Media ID

  4. Press the ENTER key on Interlinear or on PC keyboard

Please wait while Interlinear searches the Clipbox database for a duplicate Media ID.
If a duplicate Media ID is found, Interlinear will beep twice, and MENU 4 will remain open so that you can correct the problem.
If the Media ID you have entered is unique, Interlinear will add the Media ID to the Clipbox database, transfer the data to the Media ID field on the display, and close MENU 4.


When the Video Delete custom feature is installed, Interlinear can delete the video clip from  Clipbox.  The video data file on the Clipbox disk is deleted and cannot be recovered.  To avoid accidental use, the procedure requires that four keys are pressed in the correct sequence DELETE, CLIP, PLUS, ENTER.  You can escape from this sequence at any time by pressing the DELETE key again, or by pressing ESCAPE on the PC keyboard.
First load the clip into a playlist.  Then move the cursor to the clip in the playlist and press DELETE.  Interlinear responds with the message DELETE? ready to delete the clip from the playlist only.  To delete the video file from the Clipbox disk, press the CLIP key next.  Interlinear responds with DELETE VIDEO CLIP?  At this time, the delete and clip keys flash alternately as a warning.  If you are sure you want to delete the video from Clipbox, confirm by pressing the PLUS key and then the ENTER key.